Finished for today Category: New York City, Sand Painting, Union Square, Washington Square Park Tags: #sandart, art, Joe Mangrum, Sand Painting
Working on new painting for today’s opening Category: New York City, Sand Painting, Union Square, Washington Square Park Tags: #sandart, art, Joe Mangrum, Sand Painting
Finished with painting #5 out of 8 Category: New York City, Sand Painting, Union Square, Washington Square Park Tags: #sandart, art, Joe Mangrum, Sand Painting
Another day another painting underway in Netherlands #doemuseum #zuidlaren #joemangrum #joemangrumart #sandart #sand #sandpainting Category: New York City, Sand Painting, Union Square, Washington Square Park Tags: #sandart, art, Joe Mangrum, Sand Painting
Finished the big one finally! #sandpainting #joemangrum #sand #sandart #doemuseum #zuidlaren #netherlands #gooddayswork Category: New York City, Sand Painting, Union Square, Washington Square Park Tags: #sandart, art, Joe Mangrum, Sand Painting
Still going on this large one Category: New York City, Sand Painting, Union Square, Washington Square Park Tags: #sandart, art, Joe Mangrum, Sand Painting
This is about 25ft across a tips, finish up tomorrow Category: New York City, Sand Painting, Union Square, Washington Square Park Tags: #sandart, art, Joe Mangrum, Sand Painting
Started another big painting in Netherlands Category: New York City, Sand Painting, Union Square, Washington Square Park Tags: #sandart, art, Joe Mangrum, Sand Painting
Finished – spending the rest of day to explore the region Category: New York City, Sand Painting, Union Square, Washington Square Park Tags: #sandart, art, Joe Mangrum, Sand Painting
After long lunch and trip to castle today’s painting will need to continue tomorrow Category: New York City, Sand Painting, Union Square, Washington Square Park Tags: #sandart, art, Joe Mangrum, Sand Painting